
We strongly believe in transparency and being upfront about costs, there's no hidden fees or locked-in contracts. We only give advice that's in your best interest, not what's easiest for us. And there's also discounts for non-profits!

Are our prices higher than you were expecting? Thinking of another company or even just doing it yourself instead? Remember that the most important thing is not just going with the lowest cost option but to maximize your return on investment. Our prices reflect that you'll be getting the best possible results for your money. And if you're not convinced, we offer a free consultation to help you figure out what you need and how much it will cost.


Landing Page

A single page website.

  • Redesign - $500
  • New - $1000


Multi-page informational website.

  • Redesign - $1000
  • New - $2000
Price includes up to 10 pages, 100$ per page after that.


Sell products and/or services.

  • Redesign - $2000
  • New - $4000
Price includes up to 15 pages and 50 products, 100$ per page or 10 products after that.


Depends on needs, such as whether there are user accounts, dashboards, the complexity of backend, etc.

Get in touch for a free consultation!

All plans include:

  • Initial design review: you send us your branding* and up to 5 examples of websites you like.
  • We come up with 3 designs, you pick one and get to make 2 rounds of revisions**.
  • Development* of the website.
  • Project handover or launch if you choose to host with us (6 months of premium hosting are included free of charge).
  • * Our pricing doesn't include branding, social-media marketing, or blog post copy-writing services. If you need these, we can refer you to our top-notch partners.
  • ** Additional revisions are $100/revision.

Consulting & Business Software

$80/hour flat rate. Nice and easy :)